1952 Chrysler Custom Imperial

The Chrysler Imperial, the top of the line vehicle for this automaker, was a car built and engineered excellently but it’s design was considered a bit drab. This was a luxury automobile built for the owner/ driver, not as a limousine.

1952 Chrysler Custom Imperial
1952 Chrysler Custom Imperial

The 1952 Chrysler Custom Imperial featured in this article is a part of a Chrysler model that first arrived on the scene in 1926. The 1952 Imperial is among the sixth generation of the model.

When the Imperial debuted it was a Chrysler model as opposed to a separate make. The cars were produced by Chrysler from 1926 to 1954. In 1955 Chrysler decided to make Imperial a separate division. When this occurred the Imperial would not come with the Chrysler name. Very similar to what Ford Motor did with Lincoln.

As with so many of the American automakers, new post war designs came out in 1949. A few had new designs a year earlier in 1948.

The 1952 Chrysler Imperial is just about exactly the same as the 1951 models. To find the difference you’d have to refer to the car’s serial numbers. Another interesting fact is that the only rag top Imperials were produced in 1951. The 1952 models dropped the convertible styling. Another fact is that all of the early 1950’s Imperials were designed very similar to the Chrysler New Yorker. There were differences however in side trim, wheelbase and tail lights.

1952 Imperial
1952 Imperial

The Chrysler Imperial’s competitors are pretty much what you’d expect...Cadillac, Lincoln and Packard. When Walter Chrysler first decided to manufacture the Imperial in the 1920’s his aim at that time was to compete against Cadillac.

Chrysler’s 1952 Imperial was a car for the rich and famous of the time. Chrysler even advertised it’s 1952 Imperial as the car chosen by those who can afford any car in the world regardless of price. The automaker also touted the Imperial as being the finest car ever produced in America.

Chrysler Imperial Engineering

The Chrysler Imperial was known as an excellently engineered vehicle. The 1951 Imperial came out with the first 331 cubic inch Hemi-head V-8 engineher fact is tuplEknot-i/st5: im at thatim atg> Hemi-head V-8 engineher fact isad V-8 enp" coV-8 e0; ong> y-concar eveg> < tarsepailr195card it very simila. ML; SChryslAmerictropailr 331 cubicpecs, t is tupl413ad V-8 engiim,dget5: hatim atg>gineerinPailr1stblock aa lur image-fi

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1952 Impe5ntr Custom Imperial
1952 Chrysler Custom Impl
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