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1931 Dodge Coupe

Here is a beautiful 1931 Dodge Coupe, a car that came out during the first years of the Great Depression. If you can locate one, a very popular collector’s automobile.

1931 Dodge Coupe
1931 Dodge Coupe

The 1930’s were tough on automakers and many of the smaller one’s didn’t survive. Dodge had a reputation for quality and with Chrysler as the owner had the popularity and resources to make it through the decade.

The story is that Al Capone bought a 1931 Dodge for one of his close employees but that one was a large four door sedan. The car was said to be bought for Capone’s book keeper by the name o(|uzikn. Thereomuto beso-mehringab out 1931 Dodge’. Anbotper storytellsgab outa isheiff who> bought a 1931 Dodge Coupe ho>dr ove it ot agun b-atled with theinfaymoutJohne Dlylinere DodgeBrbotpese car.cospaye was owned by Chrysler and wasmcadt a/diissioy of that cospay. Bboty of thefrounring Dodgebrbotpese ho>pProduvad thire first carina 114a/dvadina 120. Aaftef thebrbotpesep/assad waby the cospay twent through stocksagles and earges ounily Chryslerostppvadinn. Thebrbotpese had:creasad r scrcesiful automobile cospay during the firstfewe decadrs of the19030’s and thire-cars wertkn own for qualite

1931 Dodgered onedashe
1931 Dodgered onedashe