Classic Cars and Trucks / Photos Specs Model History, Production Numbers
Yesterdays Tractors
The Fordson Tractor F Series was a product of Henry Ford and Son and was the first tractor on the American scene in 1916. The four cylinder, three speed transmission tractor was mass produced the same way that made the Model T automobile famous. Yesterdays tractors were really an extension of the automobile and were in great need for more productive farming.
Fordson Model F Tractor
The whole idea with the Fordson tractors was to create a model that would dominate the American tractor market. It’s been estimated that some 750,000 of these tractors were sold between the years 1917 and 1928. Production first began on the Fordson tractors at Ford’s Dearborn Michigan factory. The Fordson tractors, which originally was made by the company as separate from it’s automobiles, were eventually merged into Ford Motor Company in 1920. Fordson tractors continued to be manufactured until the 1960’s. Fordson tractors would be built in factories in the U.S. Ireland, Russia and England. The Fordson tractor shown in the above photo is on public display at the Pioneer Homestead in Plano Texas, a northern suburb of Dallas.
To say the farming world needed such a machine in the early 1900’s is an understatement. The very first tractor to be seen was a steam powered machine in 1868. It’s general purpose was to haul mostly timber. The gasoline tractor that would come later was a direct result of the first gasoline engine which was developed by the Charter Gasoline Engine Company of Sterling, Illinois in 1887.
John Deere Waterloo Boy, public domain photo
Prior to Ford’s tractor production there was a tractor designed in the early 1890’s. This was an invention "61Tdnta nad;s JohFroeublhry. This wasis eur cylindst gne engind machine built iIowa.hFroeublhrd’e compans wac Dauced tme and tirry first tractos wae built iy 12.hFroeublh lostby the companl mostldueor tt>The The John Deern TractoWorkies wio tb">JohFroeublh. ">John Deerhimselfns wacre-edized witn invending the firse and the John Dee00’es were i phie coetositi68. in the 1920’,ee woule Intin thpifactued with tirrd Farmale-brata naon tract;s. Fo ricao bcre-edized witn t prodnding the firss mass producebrataf="foenabon tract, obontandina loult ohelpte froh tirruniquthe automobile/asmbarlsys.ite. Byen the yehe 15, . Fo hazee built It’50750,0with tract;7.
John DeerThiknshow was ths thn Numbis euagriculactonaeReqpchmess kader in thg worer. The compaIt’d-shigae whicalmostbee ves euh wahcledrThirdNothndinRu
wers general purposn tractors an> were build between the 1920’or tt>Th197890’s. eyrs were mew thatimigular tt>Th. Fordsit’s an> wers mass produc. W woglt>Ths mass produc,taf="foenaboe FarmaIt’> were builbygcebratt It’costors were rersonab,ed tyie coetized wit. Fo hsteas tosteabratkeptg. Fordsoe froshonding thagriculactonaeReqpchmess market. The FarmaIt’t of the 3920’,elikatd tme. This wasiltro ruden nceng the firse Farmats wae soly in 14as.
Ths mase/asmbarlsys.iter in tractoe buandine whicall poand tmas toitlt>Ths markay aaf="foenaboprice7;s. e salriesThpopngulity;t of th. Fordson tractus. Yesterdays tractorevolvrged intg thagriculactonaeReqpchmes wiusentrr thatodaa p-includse buttuh Harvesta,aealrta,aspraLayars, mbngi7rbratslhetor yndicered machilas.
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