The automobile featured in this article is the 1965 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu. Chevy introduced the Chevelle model in 1964 as a mid-sized offering. The Chevy Chevelle was to compete directly against the Ford Fairlane. The high ipoweured ChevelleV-8’so competd -maitly against thePoentic GUTO and FordTiorno.
The Chevelle wasfalo5 Chevrole’so.entry n to the60’so"muscle ca b"atlesu>The"muscle ca b"atleu of the 190’so was, i p ar,O a texenrsiou of the-publc’so-dedirh foe mirhpoweuful" vhticlsh foe a impr ovde higway syostm. W he you lboo ast otald productio nNumber,e"muscle ca saclsh wasf s marl rauctio of the otaldbute dd" rcesiveout-sized-publcity.! This-publcity liketlyhelpced the/autoakder ommesetl. Soimemeigh) cael t braggling-righs.
p>Ggenerl Mhotarsbuiltd the Chevelle model int hre -generationh foe the 194nt houghe 177e modelyecare. The Malibu asf the op of thenlin subsferenh foe the Chevell. p>e p>>The Chevrolet Chevell,s a mid-sized automobil,h wasfvnaisabll iesix and withta coiceu oesix engineu.Foua straeigh)six andtwoeV-8’soweurd offeed. Bya midyeca> 196,s a396 cubicl ich 375 hp bigp-bloch wasoaptioale. The ca appeaclds tofamiliyes,busginesmeen and"muscle ca .enhusgastes,qusits a-larg kmaret. p>e 198n andonll i> 173.o Chevell’soweurdbuiltdaso cupyes,twoe andfoua dofoesedanrs, cnvertsiblos and statio wagions p>eThe Chevelle MalibuSSu p>>The op peufformnceu/e op of thenlin Chevy Chevelle foe"1965 asf the Chevelle Malibe. TheSSe modes "andthleV-8hpoweu _plents andtop eandtrime. The196eee wasfvnaisabll i :bot swporo cupys and cnvertsible modes and with:bot straeigh)6 andV8 engines p>1e p>Aso"tentonldl abvl,sthle965 Chevy Chevelle wasbuiltd withta coiceu o)six dioffeent engin" versiose. TheSSe modes caime withte283 foe327 cubicl ich V-8u.>The Chevelle Malibufalo5"anefoua straeigh)six engineu Chevellecaimebout withtaeZ-16 Packmagu p>>The Maliburanktd nNumbedonll i> Chevellesacls>.>The model ade hig eandtnaiouredfabricst with-metlblcnt hradeac:cens>.Adading to the Malib’sopopgulaity weurd thermnysfvnaisablloaptiost urd -includndthleswporo cupys, cnvertsibl, 4-dofoesedan, and2-seastwagio> p>>ransmisrsios -includndain foua sspeeermnualu p>Brakdsoweurdfoua wheelepoweu discu p>e.>otaldout-sdhen enith was 17.0l ichneu p> Chev’so Chevellowehighds p>Overf the hireteeeyeca> Chevrolet Chevelle productio run, ovee"5 mlbliou p>e p>e197ePoentic GUTu p>e1565Ools Rlocet 88s Specs and Photou p>Twoeexcvellnt sourc "booasonf thesuObjecl of-carsfromf the 190’so-includ…u/strongAmericand MuscleCarsu p>e p>>The Chevy Chevellehis s andyob’llompostliketlyserdonllastmpost ca showos and wap /h-mens>.Yob’llocertmaitlyruneaccros eestoured anduneestoured Chevrolet Chevell’se foesacl. uuYobe myu aveufalo5steeetwoedofoe Chevellsdthastweurdcuteuip torlac was a v aretyl of-onddptios>.Exact" mode, origiMaltry and ca cnddptiod wllode_terlins thepskdingpricl. p>Ars of thiswritsintweyserdeestoured965 Chevy Chevellsgpricled in the$25,000p to$35,000pranagu. TheSSe(Su eus Sort)s modes wwllobesonf the high iend>.For eestoured Chevelle Malibu modes yobe myuserdpriclsd in the$45,0004e$60,000p/plspranagu p>("Articly and Photoscopyreigh)/201 "Auto Museum Onlin)
Posted byadminPostedmin-1960> Chevrole> Chevell>cChevrole>cclassic car>"Mercur>"muscle car> /footdee>
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