Our featured automobile is a beautiful 1960 Chevrolet Impala Convertible. This is a real classic and very popular with collectors.

60 chevy impala convertible photos
1960 Chevrolet Impala Convertible

The Impala started out as a sporty trim package for the top of the line Bel Air. In 1958 the Impala debuted as it’s own stand alone model and was the top of the line full size Chevy. Models offered for the 1960 model year included the Sport Sedan, Sport Coupe, 4 Door Sedan and Convertible.

The Chevy Impala took off and proved to be a huge success for Chevrolet. The company sold some 1 million Impalas for the 1965 model year which achieved a record. The Impala became America’s best selling car and continued that pace through the decade.

1960 Chevrolet Impala Styling

The 1960 Chevy Impala was part of the second generation Impalas. The model came out in 1958 and that year alone stood for the first generation. The second generation included the 1959 and 1960 Impala models.

1960 chevy impala specifications

Styling for the 1960 Impala was similar to the 1959 model. Tail fins, which were a trademark of the 1950’s, were basically flat horizontal. They had a wing like appearance. While the tail fins were fairly the same for both years. The 1960 model had a flat V-type tail fin where the rear of the 59 models formed a perfect V. The tail lights were quite different /a3-lazMpush(4aMpush(4aMpl. Thfu2lways knt theebuted as i a plfect V. The tad ge" r impa50̵ages/dl caead>rany ovalad ge rear of the one m#821sempaampala dthaen we { . The ta caushy poodelbeey heneros/dl cae reovalala modelAddiied",""60 impaad> nass8 theears.warted qu,truad a ftylthend one grd sesh(4aMpl. Thfuqu,d 006ddche tail lieneorpoaampalins similgrd sela modelears.960 e thrp = r || [] thbeey hhe to The uted as i out ion hile theala m 300px" />
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1960 Chevy Impala Cla Styling

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