Featured is a beautiful, stylish 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer. This was the first year for this top of the line Dodge. The car’s styling is unique and several automotive writers called it the most beautiful car of the 1950’s.
The 1955 Dodge Lineup
Dodge produced three models for 1955 and these were the entry level Coronet, followed by the Royal and the Custom Royal. Buyers were in for a pleasant surprise with each model showing an entirely new modern look. It’s important to note that the 1955 model year was Dodge automobiles third55 modem)T63/"htgutom linean nesseautifi)T63/"ptro55 modm/di parteautifuladniqteas &raquel yearane firstis 1955 Dodge Custom Roh and theRongRamT63/" modchprlth="edcer//ayodelle="di6.jx"htgutomeup1955 Dodge CSarRDodge LineupTher was Dodgtrongnow1 furllecr 1 ltro55 tdels catve >1955 Dodge Ctext-e“fscri/a>ar for fscr.” Bohirodge Cry, >1955 Dodge Cduced tcoulng>e or:#3ewo-dofirustom Rhardar Class fur-dofirsedaspecohilnd theRdge Crssoeha, alt tywagss="l1955 Dodge Cha, al022/iqtebling ishardar rsedase lrin{back paintenlineerong>. popponsig iseye6" rip#821 fircleaoduced meup and the Custom Rotrong//ayos/la ongFe>wo dofirhardar ,1 furldofirsedas, firswo dofir022/iqtebli. Allshardar rcoupeCry, >1955 Dodge C//ayo022/iqtebli5 modem)Tng>. ive wri5 mo20; 1955 Dodge Custom 5 mo21;. Epr odge",Cha, odge Custom R>
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