1931 Auburn Model 8-98A Phaeton Convertible

The 1931 Auburn 8-98A Phaeton Convertible is one of the finest looking vintage automobiles you’ll come across. The Auburn Automobile Company, produced in Auburn, Indiana, has a storied history in several ways. Auburn cars were produced from 1900 ( a one cylinder car) to 1936. It’s head man during the mid 1920’s through 1935, Errett Lobban Cord, once admitted to having made and lost $50,000 three times in the course of his business dealings, and all before reaching the age of 21. That was a tidy sum in that era.

1931 auburn
1931Auburn 8-98A

E. L. Cord

Cord actually breathed life into the Auburn Automobile Company when he joined the the automaker as general manager in 1924. A that time the company was building more cars than it could sell and was becoming a candidate for bankruptcy. E.L.Cord had been an excellent salesman, not an engineer, but knew enough to make a few timely changes that essentially turned the company around.

He would replace all six cylinder engines with Lycoming straight eight engines and launch a restyling program that would have Auburns painted in two-tone color schemes. Cord added some pizzazz to what had become a staid laid back auto company albeit with an excellent reputation for performance cars. E. L. Cord would go on to take over the Auburn Automobile Company with investor capital and partner with Duesenburg. Cord would ultimnou. Cor41 n0croduexctroel drresplass41 n0rse

1931n 8-98A
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