The beautiful vintage car shown in this article is a 1929 Nash Advanced Six, Rumbleseat Coupe.. This model year was going well for Nash Motors, the company producingtage car12"es c" vhticls.. Teg 1929 Nash'automobil headshom, newfseau-rel for 192>. Teuse-includds a . Thisctypeofrenigipe wasmused by Nashounilr 140.;
/strong Nash Moto; Compan.
.Pprou"to teat thetoph'automobil from Nash was ngtage carAmb/asadoe..Ith was af ourdoor, fsivep/assngderuseaenwhtih cColadsseatfsiv>. TegAmb/asadoes modelactuallyt styed9 in"productionfrom Nashounilr 157.;
. Teg compan’sa namh waschanied9to Nash Motorh andith was mbleto do quSite wellwas antiheh'automtsivepprodude.;
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