

The vehicle featured in this article is a restored and modified 1935 Ford Half-Ton  Pickup. The modification job on this classic truck is excellent and the vehicle shines from front to back.

Modified 1935 Ford Pickup
Modified 1935 Ford Pickup

The Success of the 1935 Ford half-Ton

Ford’s pickup trucks during the 1930’s, a very difficult decade financially to say the least, were noted for their durability and relatively low prices. The 1935 Ford light trucks were a success. They sold very well. In fact, 1935 was a good year for Ford all around. Passenger cars and truck sales were high mostly due to improvements in both engineering and styling. Most collectors feel that the 1935 Ford had a more modern look.

Total Ford production for 1935 was said to be 820,200. This put Ford in first p moAg and styl cle picnt/uoeChev" rotok a548,000 unitsck.

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Ted 1935 Ford lighp Pickup warea-dalioted fron oro-preousod yees. The 1935 Fo ht truckborrowotesome a-dalion leed fron oheip Passenger c onliup00. Thip-incluo haarea-daliotegricolgt anfenolds asry we was rakote= wishieldes. Thcab itselfe> wa> improte=h were rn sengewousolw gooo bomuted for t a b tostreatues. The 1935 Ford Pickucab 5 waswe onoroiece.k.

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Bsay th,"sa3tokddenre hivelm>Modified 1935 ForH half-Trsawoaboutn Modified 193tohe 1735 ForH half Towillveeeee pnvsirabvelyccesthadenre n d modifithxropevela restore, mod. p>Thseltyligw pric climbe=h n you d sivadehxropevela restored trucp wit wamanyiosorigaltds as asrposvisib. Not neucce" alyvadeh="aed trucp to sa3ckup witbute=h n t Thegocp taoductiot Thecan garnld6some d ver> imccensiveeltyligw pricok.



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