A vintage American automobile to say the least, this 1948 Pontiac Silver Streak 8 Convertible is a fine representation of late 1940’s design. The Pontiac Silver Streak was one of four cars offered by Pontiac in 1948. In addition there was the 1948 Pontiac Streamliner Eight Wagon offered.

Two models were Streamliner and Torpedo. Each came with a six cylinder and an eight cylinder engine. Wheelbases in 1948 were 119.0 inches and 122.0 inches. Two
The Torpedo Eight was also called the Silver Streak and was built on the 119 inch wheelbase only. The Silver Streak was the name given for the straight eight engine.
Some refer to the car itself as the Silver Streak which we’ve also done in this article but officially to Pontiac the car was a Torpedo model. The Silver Streak / Torpedo was built by Pontiac from 1940 through 1948 with the exception of the war years. Production stopped in February 1942 at which time about 83,500 1942 models were built.
The 1948 Silver Streak Convertible
Pontiac offered the Silver Streak 8 Deluxe Convertible featured in this article on the shorter 119 inch chassis. The convertible was also offered with the six cylinder engine. These were Pontiac’s only convertibles at the time. The Silver Streak Eight Torpedo, some have said, was America’s first muscle car.

The overall car design was similar in a large way to the pre War styles however 1948 was the first year that Pontiac offered both the Standard and Deluxe styling themes.
One of the differences between the Standard and Deluxe models was the amount of bright trim. In addition, Deluxe models had stainless steel gravel guards. The Indian head hood ornament was on both the six and eight cylinder cars. The Silver Streak 8 script appears on those cars with script as shown on our photo. Some design tweaking was done for the 1948 models.
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